COVID 19 Update: Farmers Markets have been classified by the government as an Essential Service and continue to operate. The markets are a great outdoor alternative to source your weekly shop, providing fresh, nutrient rich food. Our stallholders have all the essentials, including fruit and vegetables, bread, milk, cheese, meat, fish, eggs, pasta, olives and olive oil, honey and nuts. By shopping at the market you’ll be supporting local farmers, families and the local economy.

We have a range of measures in place to protect the health of our customers and stallholders

*Additional hand wash facilities for customers.

* Stallholders will be sanitizing hands between customers

*On larger stalls, money will be handled by one person only

* We’re only serving food and drink in single use compostable vessels.

* Our tables and chairs will be removed for the time being. We know the market is a place for the community to gather and spend time together, however we cannot support this during this time while authorities are recommending self-distancing.
Please be efficient in your shop and don’t stay any longer than necessary.

* We ask that if you are queuing at a stall, please keep a safe distance from others (at least 1.5m). Be aware and considerate. Things may take a little longer than usual, please be patient.

*Please don’t touch food you aren’t going to buy

*There’s no need to panic buy, our farmers will be back next week with more food

* If you are unwell or have any symptoms of the Coronavirus (or have had contact with anyone who has symptoms) or have travelled overseas in the past 14 days, we ask that you not attend the market. Please have a friend or family member collect your produce for you.

Thanks for you understanding and continued support…/coronavirus-farmers-marke…/12072678